Programm Highlights 2023
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Meet the cruise industry in Hamburg.
Join us at the home of Europe's largest cruise community and the world capital of maritime classification societies: MARINE INTERIORS Cruise & Ferry Global Expo in Hamburg was established in 2019 as Europe's first stand-alone trade show for the passenger ship interiors, equipment and technology segment.
With more than 8 out of 10 decision-level visitors, this event attracts the cruise industry's pacesetters and provides cruise architects, cruise outfitters and cruise suppliers with an ideal ecosphere for their business - with a wide range of exhibitor categories as well as conferences and expert forums to inspire our industry. Reach out to the European cruise industry, both in the luxury segment and in river cruising, and introduce your brand to representatives of the world's leading cruise and ferry lines, shipyards and interior design studios.
The Hamburg experience
The city is known to have more bridges than Amsterdam and Venice together, but what strikes even more is that it bridges maritime tradition and modernity in many ways. The city brims with architectural greatness, an abundance of culture and nightlife beyond compare. On top of that, it offers space to relax.